Purple Sandpiper - Salt Creek Beach, Mecca,
Riverside County, CA. Photo - Kurt Radamaker, 16 April 2016. |
Purple Sandpiper - Salt Creek Beach, Mecca,
Riverside County, CA. Photo - Kurt Radamaker, 16 April 2016. |

Flammulated Owl - Found at Kendall Camp Trail, Prescott National Forest,
Yavapai County. AZ. Photo - Cindy Radamaker, 29 May 2015. |
Flammulated Owl - Found at Kendall Camp Trail, Prescott National Forest, Yavapai County. AZ. Photo - Cindy Radamaker, 29 May 2015. |

Spotted Owl - Found at a residence near Tom Darlington Dr. in Carefree, AZ.
Photo - Kurt Radamaker, 12 March 2015. Click image for larger view. |
Spotted Owl - Found at a residence near Tom Darlington Dr. in Carefree, AZ. Photo - Kurt Radamaker, 12 March 2015. Click image for larger view. |

Questionmark (Polygonia interrogationis) first found by Cindy Radamaker,
15 February 2015, road into Seven Springs Area (Cabins along roadside) Maricopa County.
This is a first record of this species for Maricopa County.
Click image for larger view.

Questionmark (Polygonia interrogationis) first found by Cindy Radamaker,
15 February 2015, road into Seven Springs Area (Cabins along roadside) Maricopa County. This is a first record of this species for Maricopa County.
Click image for larger view |

Female Black Scoter - note the all black bill.
Lake Pleasant 29 December 2014. |

First winter male Black Scoter - note the fleshy saddle on the bill.
Lake Pleasant 29 December 2014. |

White-winged Scoter
Lake Pleasant 29 December 2014. |

White-winged Scoter
Lake Pleasant 29 December 2014. |

2 female plumaged Black Scoters and a White-winged Scoter.
Lake Pleasant 21 December 2014.
Digiscoped with a Windows Phone :-0 |

Female Greater Scaup
Lake Pleasant 21 December 2014.
Again horrible Digiscope with a Windows Phone, but good enough for documentation! |
Arizona Treefrog. East Clear Creek (Coconino County) July 12, 2014.
Photo by Cindy Radamaker |
Arizona Treefrog. East Clear Creek (Coconino County) July 12, 2014.
Photo by Cindy Radamaker |

Northern Saw-Whet Owl. Mt Ord (Maricopa County) NAMC May 10, 2014
This may be the first confirmed nesting for Maricopa County |

Northern Saw-Whet Owl. Mt Ord (Maricopa County) NAMC May 10, 2014
Note the downy feathers on back. |

Six White-winged Scoters, off Operations Center Rd, Lake Pleasant, Maricopa County. 12 January 2014
Flock of 6 White-winged Scoter! Not sure if this is the high count for WWSC in a single flock in AZ, but if not, it is probably close. |

Bohemian Waxing, Zzyzx, California, 28 Nov 2013 |

Bohemian Waxing, Zzyzx, California, 28 Nov 2013 |

Red-necked Grebe - Estero Punta Banda, Baja Mexico - 09 Nov 2013.
This Red-necked Grebe was found by Jeff Harding of Oregon 31 on Oct 2013 and reported to eBird. I heard about it and chased it on 9 Nov 2013. This is the first record of Red-necked Grebe for Baja and only the 2nd or 3rd for Mexico! |

Red-necked Grebe - Estero Punta Banda, Baja Mexico - 09 Nov 2013.
This Red-necked Grebe was found by Jeff Harding of Oregon on 31 Oct 2013 near Estero Punta Banda, about 10 miles (as the crow flies) south of Ensenada. |

Dark "Taiga" Merlin - Our yard, 20 October 2013 |

Dark "Taiga" Merlin - Our yard, 20 October 2013 |

Pyrrhuloxia in our yard in Cave Creek. In 10 years of living in AZ, this was our
first Pyrrhuloxia in Maricopa county. Fun to have in the yard. |

Possible maxima Canada Goose. Chart House,
McCormick Ranch. 28 Dec 2012 |

Distant telephoto shot of hovering Rough-legged Hawk. Entrance to HouseRock Rd,
Vermilion Cliffs, off hwy 89A, Coconino County, AZ |

Distant telephoto shot of Rough-legged Hawk. Entrance to HouseRock Rd, Vermilion
Cliffs, off hwy 89A, Coconino County, AZ |

Entrance to Zion National Park Utah - 24 December 2012 |

Windmill at Zion |

Western-banded Gecko, near Aguila
AZ, 31 March 2012 |

Long-nosed Snake, near Aguila AZ, 31
March 2012 |

Mohave Green Rattlesnake (note the wide tail bands),
near Aguila AZ, 31 March 2012 |

On a recent chase trip to Julian in San Diego County CA, we saw the Common Redpoll.
Peregrine Falcon eating a Teal. San Jacinto Wildlife area, Riverside CA, 12 February 2012 |
Mountain Bluebird - San Jacinto Wildlife area, Riverside CA, 12 February 2012 |
Round-tailed Ground Squirrel. |
Greater Roadrunner - Baja California. |
Red-necked Grebe Tempe Town Lake, Tempe AZ. |